When an organization or school screens every young personyouth, they can flag the needs and strengths of individual and collective young people youth. Organizations need to focus their services and supports through the review of aggregated data and patterns. They must screen for areas of risk and need that often remain hidden, even to experienced professionals. A national leader in screening for commercially sexually exploited children, captures it this way:

“Universal screening makes visible exploited children who would otherwise remain unseen by even the most experienced providers. It gives providers a systematic process for quickly evaluating the possibility of exploitation, empowering them to help their trafficked clients.”97F

Aggregated data can be shared with decision makers to inform policy or funding changes. Organizations benefit from having visibility into the needs and strengths of the young peopleyouth they serve. It is crucial for all programs to adopt some form of screening and measurement-based system.


  • Phoenix Baker Product Manager

  • Lori Bryson Product Manager

  • Loki Bright Frontend Engineer

Published on

20th Jan 2022, Thursday.

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