Why Choose Give Me

Early Identification and Monitoring

Give Me Five provides a low-cost and accessible screening tool for well-being and mental health. It allows for early identification of mental health challenges and safety risks, enabling timely intervention and care.

Triangulated Data Approach

Give Me Five utilizes a clinically acknowledged "gold standard" approach by incorporating triangulated data. This includes the participant's perspective, the perspectives of adults who know the participant well, and behavioral data.

Tailored Question Banks

Give Me Five offers tailored Question Banks for different age groups and settings. These questionnaires address specific areas of concern, ensuring a more targeted and effective screening process.

Screening Frequency and Duration

Give Me Five allows flexibility in screening frequency, ranging from weekly to monthly to semi-annually. More frequent screening increases the tool's efficacy in detecting changes in well-being over time.

12000+ Students from around the world

Identify a crisis before it's too late

According to the World Health Organization, there are 800,000 deaths each year globally from suicide, which is the leading cause of death in young people. Mental wellbeing is becoming a more important area of focus today.

  • Screen for warning signs
  • Monitor behaviors
  • Data triangulation
  • Triage participants
  • Targeted support
  • Stakeholder communication

Give Me Five helps organizations identify and intervene before issues arise.

As an early detection application, Give me Five supports essential timely assistance for individuals facing difficulties like bullying, anxiety, depression, distress and suicide.

Bullying can make people feel guilty, ashamed, depressed and anxious. Schools and organizations where bullying is rampant typically have poor participant and staff retention, negative culture and a problematic reputation in the community.

Some individuals can be organically predisposed to Depression and benefit from monitoring, but issues like chronic stress, substance use, medical issues and trauma also contribute. Recognizing these symptoms early can help organizations intervene promptly.

Violence includes aggression, yelling and physical intimidation, sometimes seen in schools, children’s services, workplaces and disability services. Certain attitudes and emotional states can lead to violence, which Give Me Five can help detect.

Harassment is a toxic behavior that sometimes occurs in school, the workplace, or other organizational settings. Identifying and stopping this harmful behavior is important to ensure long-term mental health wellbeing.

Some individuals turn to self-harm as a means of coping with stress, depression, or anxiety. It's crucial to intervene promptly, as this behavior can escalate into more severe problems such as suicide if not addressed in a timely manner.

Suicide is unbelievably tragic and devastating, but some people feel forced into it when they see no other recourse to their distress. Suicide ideation can be linked to feelings of isolation, trauma, overwhelm, chronic pain, depression, acute anxiety, financial difficulties or substance abuse challenges.

The Give Me Five model

Check-in Process

Give Me Five's check-in process is quick, convenient, and insightful, enabling individuals to regularly assess their mental well-being through simple questions.

Tailored Question Banks

Give Me Five offers tailored Question Banks for different ages and settings, addressing specific concerns effectively by tailoring questions to individual age groups and environments.

Screening Frequency and Duration

Screening frequency ranges from weekly to semi-annually, taking less than five minute to complete, allowing for efficient identification of well-being changes over time.

Dashboard and Analytics

Give Me Five's Dashboard and Analytics offer a comprehensive view of population health, enabling users to assess risk levels, prioritize resources, and monitor intervention effectiveness.

Triangulated Data Assessment

Give Me Five uses the gold standard of triangulated data assessment, combining participant perspectives, adult observations, and behavioural data for a comprehensive screening, reducing stigma and inaccuracies.

Adult Observations and Behavioral Data

Adult observations and behavioral data, collected through surveys and participant profiles, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of well-being, aiding effective intervention.

Dashboard and Analytics (Individual)

The Individual Report provides detailed insights for professionals, aiding in identifying concerns, tracking progress, and tailoring interventions to individual needs.

Ability to Bounce Back Adult Observations

Give Me Five focuses on analyzing adult observations and behavioral data to identify potential concerns, aiding professionals and caregivers in providing timely support and resources.


Know how our mental wellness solutions have made a difference in their lives.


Know how our mental wellness solutions have made a difference in their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to questions you may have.
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Give Me Five has been designed to ensure we ask the most critical questions of the most relevant people in a timely way. The tool is quick, low cost and flexible while able to be applied to populations of any size.

Give Me Five allows you to brand the application as your own. This ensures your participants feel secure and assists you to build directly on your relationship and brand offering.

Give Me Five enables you to customise your question selection to meet your client needs, and to shape a choice for your participants. GM5 offers you a selection of peer tested and validated surveys to choose from or you can build your own.

Give Me Five supports you to either choose from a survey selection menu or shape your own question bank with our support and experience.

Give Me Five offers reports charts and dashboards to help you understand your survey population returns. We also offer fee for service consultation to assist with results analysis and intervention response design.

Give Me Five is a universal tool that can be used flexibly across an agency or system of care to support monitoring, and to assist with partnerships and planning. Communimetric tools are not designed for clinical assessment or diagnosis, but rather focus on improving our understanding to we can better and directly manage risk or shape interventions in meaningful ways.

Give Me Five sends a direct push link to invite participant to login. Participants receive this via e-mail or similar messaging service.

Give Me Five asks between 5 to 15 questions depending on the participants responses, and usually takes only a few minutes. Participants use a simple 4 point scale to rank their reactions. No text or complex question interpretation is required making surveys accessible for all ages and abilities.

Give Me Five surveys return rich information about your participants feelings, needs, beliefs and behaviours, both directly from their perspective but also from others around them. Information is available in dashboard reports both for the individual and the cohort. With this information the step to support and intervention can be more direct and immediately helpful to make a difference.

Give Me Five has been designed as a flexible offering allowing agencies to survey their participants as they need to. You can select of increase or decrease frequency depending on needs and support goals.

Give Me Five has automated alerts that can be linked to target responses. This allows administrators to be immediately alerted to participant needs or requests for support.

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About us

Give me Five is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps detect issues such as poor quality of life, dissatisfaction with services, depression, anxiety, violence and risk of self-harm or suicide.

Based on responses to survey questions that take just 5 minutes or less to answer, organizations receive valuable data on the mental health wellbeing of participants and are given the tools to intervene before something tragic occurs.

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